problem with allow_url_fopen

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#1 Mon, 06/23/2014 - 08:48

problem with allow_url_fopen

I have created a virtual server and upload php files. I noticed the php scripts which use to scrape data from other websites with allow_url_fopenare not working at all. Checked php.ini and allow_url_fopen=On . Do I need to change any other settings it to work?

Mon, 06/23/2014 - 10:48


Just to verify, is the php.ini file you edited the one in $HOME/etc/php.ini? If the domain is using FCGID or CGI (which is the default), that's the location of the file you would need to tweak.


Mon, 06/23/2014 - 11:44

Hi Eric Thanks for the reply. Actually for the reason not known to me, it started working now. Earlier also it behave similarly. I will check this again tomorrow and see if the problem recur again.

I have tried to change from FCGID to CGI but browser was displaying php script content without parsing it. So I changed back to FCGID. which one is better if i have many scripts which fetch data from database?

Thanks and Regards Radha

Mon, 06/23/2014 - 14:12


FCGID is a bit faster, so if that's working for you, that's great.

What distro/version are you using though?


Mon, 06/23/2014 - 19:23

Hi Andreychek

Thanks for the reply. I will keep FCGID but can you figure out why CGI is not parsing ?

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