Webalizer (nginx) not updating anymore, although the log file is recent

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#1 Mon, 05/19/2014 - 21:54

Webalizer (nginx) not updating anymore, although the log file is recent

I have a website with access log set as

access_log /var/log/virtualmin/mywebsite.com_access_log;

when opening this file, I see it has the latest log record up to May 18th, 2014, today, but when I access webalizer from Virtualmin, the report only shows up to April 15th, 2014. When I try to regenerate the report, it gives the following error:

Running Webalizer to generate report from /var/log/virtualmin/mywebsite.com_access_log .. .. Webalizer failed! See the output above for details.

Do you have clue how to fix this? Thank you.

Sun, 08/31/2014 - 00:09

i have the same issue, how to fix this, it stop working

Sat, 10/08/2016 - 08:48

Hello, this appears to be a permission issue with Virtualmin + nginx.

The default configuration is for Webalizer to run as the account owner, however the log files are owned by www-data. One possible fix is to edit the user in Servers > Webalizer Logfile Analysis and use www-data instead of the account owner. Then the ~/public_html/stats directory should have chgrp www-data and chmod 775

The above is a quick fix but some more experienced users can probably suggest a better solution.

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