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I am trying to migrate from plesk to virtualmin.
I have backed up my site using plesk backup function, it created a tgz, xml file and also database file. I have already copied them to my new server.
Everytime I try to use add server - migrate virtual server option, ( I select tgz file) I get an error stating that missing xml file. But the file is in the same folder with tgz file. What I am doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Error that I am getting:
Validating migration file .. .. validation failed : Not a complete Plesk 9, 10 or 11 backup file - missing XML file
Which Plesk version is it that you're migrating from?
I believe Virtualmin is expecting to see all those files contained within a single Plesk archive, rather than in multiple files... in the Plesk backup options, do you see an option to make it all one file, rather than separate files?
I had the same issue but from reading the other forum posts I found a solution (I couldn't find an option to create one single file from Plesk). In case any one else has this issue I thought I would share what I found.
When migrating a plesk account just select the folder all the files are in rather than selecting the specific tgx file. That seemed to find all the files and migrated the account succesfully.
It will migrate all the accounts in the folder you select so make sure the only accounts in there are the ones you want creating.