license key not showing up in admin area

I bought the cloudmin and virtualmin pro license. cloudmin showed up instantly but the virtualmin didnt.

trying to upgrade my servers please update my virtualmin license keys.


Closed (fixed)


Howdy -- it looks like you purchased a Virtualmin Unlimited Renewal, rather than the initial Virtualmin Unlimited license.

Did you have an existing license you were looking to renew? Or did you mean to purchase a new license?

If you'd like a new license, we can refund you for the renewal, and you can find the licenses here:

actually, just give my money back. I was looking for an unlimited license for the 638. Will pass on the upgrade for now.

your site needs to be more clear on the links and clarity around licenses.

Sure, we can issue you a refund.

Jamie, can you refund him $664.00 for order #8571? Thanks!

Sure, I have refunded this order.

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.