Hello, big problem for me and maybe a lot of you people: the Joomla! CMS (99% of my websites) will require php 5.3.10 or higher see here http://community.joomla.org/blogs/leadership/1798-raising-the-bar-on-sec... and other web stuff require or at least recommend > 5.4. The problem is always the same if we use CentOS, Scientific or Red Hat: the php versions are ancient. And I don't think that we will get newer versions: CenTOS 6.5 fully updated uses 5.3.3 and we sure don't have the time to wait for 6.9, just to get like 5.3.5 :)
The "why" doesn't matter here and we all know the answers.
Does the Virtualmin bleeding edge repo still exists (that was so cool of you) and is actively mantained? I guess not 'cause I can't find anything about it...
If not, will you consider start it again and mantaining some decent php version? This and maybe mySQL being the most common problems for the RHEL-like servers out there. And I preffer sticking with you and not other repos, and having the two php versions side-by-side; that went oh so well :)
Thank you!
The same problem exists for upcoming Drupal 8, which requires PHP 5.3.5: https://drupal.org/node/1751100
Tiki requires 5.5. Moodle also already requires 5.3.3 - this will be increased in the future. Others will follow...
Don't take the name of root in vain...
Are you using 64 bit CentOS?
If so, you can actually run two PHP versions side by side now. Take a peek at the documentation here, and let us know if this will help: