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Hello everybody. I installed Virtualmin, and I can send and receive emails from Usermin.
From email's clients (for example Thunderbird), I can receive emails but do not send. The Thunderbird message:
Configuration could not be verified - Is the username or password wrong?
I have no error in /var/log/maillog. My Thunderbird's configuration:
Your name: Email address: Incoming: IMAP Server hostname: Port: 143 SSL: None Authentication: Normal password Outgoing: SMTP Server hostname: Port: 25 SSL: None Authentication: Normal password Username: testing
If you look up those users by going into "Edit Users" in Virtualmin, what username does it show in the "IMAP / POP3 / FTP login" column for that user? Is it in the format, or does it show something like "testing.testing"?
Hi Eric, thanks for your reply.
The users are:
Name: testing IMAP / POP3 / FTP login: testing Real name:
Name: otheraccount IMAP / POP3 / FTP login: otheraccount. Real name: otheraccount
I try with this user and it do not work
In this case the username is probably just "testing". If it was "", Virtualmin would show that in the user screen.