Not more mail after upgrade 4.02.gpl

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#1 Wed, 10/16/2013 - 01:47

Not more mail after upgrade 4.02.gpl

Hi, not more mail after upgrade using Debian 6.0

Reject incoming email with invalid DKIM signature? > Yes

Oct 16 02:23:59 vps-1112177-12429 dkim-filter[675]: EEA82D61A43: no signature data
Oct 16 02:25:11 vps-1112177-12429 dkim-filter[675]: 883F6D61A43: no signature data
Oct 16 02:25:20 vps-1112177-12429 dkim-filter[675]: 52D7DD61A44: no signature data

Reject incoming email with invalid DKIM signature? > No

Oct 16 02:28:04 vps-1112177-12429 dkim-filter[675]: 4483ED61A43: key retrieval failed
Oct 16 02:29:27 vps-1112177-12429 dkim-filter[675]: 766D7D61A43: key retrieval failed
Wed, 10/16/2013 - 10:11


Upgrading Virtualmin shouldn't cause the issues you're seeing, but it's possible that another package was updated at the same time that affected DKIM.

Can you post the contents of your /etc/resolv.conf file, as well as your /etc/dkim-filter.conf file?


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