Good day all and thank you for reading. This is my first post and I have done a few searches for my answer but really did not find exactly what I would like to do [if it is even possible] and I hope I can explain my needs well enough.
1) I lease a VPS in which I have control over reload OS and I used CentOS 6x64 2) After the reload I then install 'pico' and 'htop' manually.. 3) I finally have had time yesterday to spend some time with Virtual Admin for the first time and I have a successfull set up!! [So thank you...and I know I will be Going PRO for sure] as I am a long time cPanel user (since 2003 or so)
4) As of right now, I have just one "Virtual Server" set up and works fine (I still need to add mail and stuff, have a phpMyAdmin question for later) but I am at the point where I do not want to screw anything up and "start over" AGAIN !!
5) How may I get a "total backup of EVERYTHING" I have on this VPS please? Meaning if I use the backup programs w/this...will it also "clone my whole server"
Regards and thank you all in advance!!
Cloning the whole server so that it can be restored "bare-metal" is outside the scope of Virtualmin. That would be a feature that your VPS hoster needs to offer you.
Virtualmin offers a backup feature for its virtual servers, which is quite complete. With it, you can fully restore your VS on a fresh installation of Virtualmin.
The closest you can get to a full backup without "external help" is to use Webmin's "File System Backup" feature and create a TGZ backup of your root filesystem. How you proceed, i.e. where to copy it and how to restore it, highly depends on what functions your hoster offers you for low-level access to your VPS (like booting from a rescue medium, formatting HDDs, fetching and extracting the TGZ and the like).
I'm hosting virtual machines myself, and before I had the external VMware backup tool "Veeam" available, I would create TGZ archives of the root filesystem, and for recovery I'd mount the to-be-recovered HDD to a "rescue VM" with a small Linux installed, partition and format it there, and then extract the TGZ onto it.