Changed a VirtualServer Domain name and the old domain remains active on the web? Is this the way it works?

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#1 Wed, 08/14/2013 - 14:42

Changed a VirtualServer Domain name and the old domain remains active on the web? Is this the way it works?


I changed one of my virtualservers Domain Name (went to Server Configuration=>Change Domain Name) today and noticed that the old domain was still active (not in Virtualmin but rather on the web, meaning I could still navigate to the old domain with no issues). Is this normal? I was worried about redirecting the old domain to the new one but seems Virtualmin did the job automatically! if that's the way it works then awesome! if not, then I did something incorrect.. I will appreciate your inputs.

Thank you!

Wed, 08/14/2013 - 17:03

Well, reachability of a website mainly depends on two things: The domain needs to be resolved to an IP address, and the webserver running on that IP address must serve the right content for the domain.

When you changed your name, the DNS query result for the old name will remain in nameserver caches for a while, so it will still resolve. And if the new Virtualmin domain name happens to be the default for the server, it will be served for the now probably unknown old domain name.

This is how the effect you're seeing might occur.

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