These forums are locked and archived, but all topics have been migrated to the new forum. You can search for this topic on the new forum: Search for New XenLayer Virtualmin/Webmin/Usermin theme on the new forum.
The XenLayer Virtualmin theme is based on the original Virtualmin Framed Theme, with some light modifications to colors and buttons to give it a more modern look and feel. It works as a standalone Webmin and Usermin theme as well (install separately).
The theme and screenshots can be found here:
To install: Webmin > Webmin Configuration > Webmin Themes > Install New Theme
or: Webmin > Usermin Configuration > Usermin Themes > Install New Theme
Have fun!
After installing, changing to this theme caused the following error: Can't locate virtual-server-theme/ ...
I seem to have fixed this by creating a symlink as follows:
$ cd /usr/share/webmin
$ sudo ln -s xenlayer-theme virtual-server-theme
Thanks, I've re-uploaded a new version where virtual-server-theme as been replaced by xenlayer-theme - it should now work without problems even if the default Virtualmin Framed Theme is not installed.
great theme, thanks for your work!