These forums are locked and archived, but all topics have been migrated to the new forum. You can search for this topic on the new forum: Search for when I run "yum update" on CentOS5.4,I got errors on the new forum.
I am new in Virtualmin.
Today, I need wo upgrade my CentOS5.4 to the last version.when I run "yum update",I got some error: [Errno 14] HTTP Error 401: Authorization Required Trying other mirror. Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: virtualmin-universal. Please verify its path and try again
what happen? It seems need to login. I seach this error in google,but can not get some useful message. Can someone help me? Thanks!
Are you using Virtualmin Pro or GPL?
What output do you receive if you run this command:
cat /etc/yum.repos.d/virtualmin.repo
Hi andreychek,
The "cat /etc/yum.repos.d/virtualmin.repo" output(for security reasons,I omitted some characters):
[root@pp1staging ~]# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/virtualmin.repo [virtualmin] name=Red Hat Enterprise $releasever - $basearch - Virtualmin baseurl=http://555****:7B7********$releasever/$basearch/ enabled=0 gpgkey=file:///etc///*virtualmin gpgcheck=1
[virtualmin-universal] name=Virtualmin Distribution Neutral baseurl=http://555****:7B7******** enabled=1 gpgkey=file:///etc///*virtualmin gpgcheck=1
Forget that the server run in Amazon Cloud (EC2).
I just maintain server soon,I don't have any idea.
Can you give me some advice?
Thanks for your help!
Hmm, it looks like you may be using Virtualmin Pro there!
I've marked your issue as private, so that we can discuss the serial numbers.
Could you list your actual serial number and/or license key (the numbers you edited out)?
That would help us figure out what's going on there... thanks!
There is :
SerialNumber=5556722 LicenseKey=7B7FVW7JK70
I am new in linux & virtaulmin, I read the document in the site,maybe my licence expired(but, in the server, everything seems work fine).
I can not login webmin interface via http://ip:10000 or https://ip:10000, is there difference on Amazon?
Thank you very much!
Yeah, it looks like you have a Virtualmin 10 Pro license that expired last year.
The license belongs to the account "mnqe6tah".
Updating Virtualmin will indeed fail if the license is expired.
You could either purchase a Virtualmin 10 renewal for $45, or you could downgrade to Virtualmin GPL if you no longer need Pro.
As far as logging into Webmin/Virtualmin (both are on port 10000) -- you'd normally access that on https://x.x.x.x:10000.
You should be able to access that even if the license is expired.
What error are you getting when trying to access port 10000?
The webmin service I can't access. I can not login, because root have not password(EC2
instance,use ssh to login the CentOS).
What I want to ask is that if license is expired, What effect does it have already deployed application?(
Everything seems ok on the system.)
My English is poor,
Thanks for your help.
If you have an expired license, it doesn't affect the functionality of Virtualmin... it just means you can't receive any updates.
Thanks! It is helpful !