Hello I am using a Return Address with a variable code embedded. A general catch-all will catch too much spam
So I want to set up a catch-all which only catches incoming email that begin with the code. : "M1" up to "M99999"
( must be capital M and must start with M then numbers)
To for example these would be caught and re-directed: M45B78@example.com, M777ebsgta8@example.com
But these will be rejected:
m6ftrh@example.com , hgdthm627@example.com, 7M2345ghj@example.com
Can I set up this in VirtualMin - or can I do it by editing the POSTFIX server files directly ?
In my research I found this on a Ubuntu forum: Regex multiple catch-all setup in postfix
Question: I need to setup a regex catch-all function on postfix such that: tom.(anything)@domain.com goes to tom@other.com
Answer: Add this to your main.cf alias_maps = regexp:/etc/postfix/aliases
Then create /etc/postfix/aliases /^tom..*@domain.com$/ tom@other.com
But maybe VirtualMin can do this ???
Any help much appreciated :)
Virtualmin does not have a feature to do that directly... You can use Webmin's Postfix module to semi-manually do what was suggested here. Check out the "Aliases" icon in the main module view.