Roundcube mail issues

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#1 Mon, 04/22/2013 - 08:40

Roundcube mail issues

Hi! I've installed on my vps Virtualmin (3.99 GPL) with Roundcube for email.

The problem is that i can RECEIVE e-mail messages but when i try to SEND seem to be correct,but the sender does not get anything.

Which can be problems? ports, records, permits? how can I find the error?

Mon, 04/22/2013 - 12:10


After sending an email, take a look in the email logs -- either /var/log/maillog, or /var/log/mail.log. With those logs, you can see where the emails are going, and if there's any errors.


Thu, 04/25/2013 - 10:20 (Reply to #2)

in /var/log/ there are mailog, mailog.1, mailog.2, mailog.3, mailog.4 which is the correct file? There is a method to delete all past log? So I can retry with one new mail. Because every file is too long and i can't understand nothing :)

Thu, 04/25/2013 - 12:04

The most recent email log is /var/log/maillog.

You can edit the log rotation config in /etc/logrotate/ -- the mail log is controlled in the "syslog" file. By editing that, you could configure it not to store logs past a few days, or to compress older logs.


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