Varnish and Virtual Hosts on Virtualmin

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#1 Tue, 04/16/2013 - 17:35

Varnish and Virtual Hosts on Virtualmin

I know it is an old thread but, but has anyone got it working?

'mind sharing how you installed varnish?

i always end up with default site loading...

pulling my hair out....'

Varnish is installed fine as per @John_b, but all the named virtual servers go to the site. There must b e asimple trick in teh config that I'm missing, but pulling what is left of my hair out.

.... p.s. ... sorry about apparent duplicate posts - teh save button doesn't visible work for me on this form, hence multiple clicks - which seem to work - I will investigate if the issue occurs on non-chrome / non -mac book

Thu, 04/18/2013 - 18:01

Just in case any one is searching the solution is to change the default.vcl to use your real external IP not

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