index pages :.htm, html, shtml and disallow indices

I migrated our latest site Good new is: the migration of the Plesk 8 file was a success. this was our next largest site 279 megs. New sites are much, much bigger than this.

but to my surprise if you browse to this site you see all the files and folders in public_html.

I would have expected

a) "Allow indices" to be *off* by default instead it is on... and in PLESK it was off by default and you had to add a .htaccess file to allow any directory to list files. Other wise the use gets a forbidden error. I myself think this shoudl be the global default (everyone may not agree) so where can I set this?

b) .shtml to be one of the options of index files (we always use parsed shtml files with parsing for SSI's on by default.

Can I set both the above in WebMin UI or do we need to do it directly in httpd.conf?

Closed (fixed)