SRV Records

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#1 Mon, 03/11/2013 - 11:55

SRV Records

I must be doing something wrong. I applied for an Outlook acc for my domain and have to setup the MX and SRV records. I have successfully added the MX records and it got verified.

Now I need to add the following SRV records: DNS record type: SRV Service: Protocol: _tcp Domain Name: Priority: 10 (or High priority) Weight: 2 Port: 5061 Target:

When I add Service Name in Server Address Record, and fill up rest of the info, I get this error: Failed to save record : '' is not a valid service name

Please help!

Fri, 01/17/2014 - 19:13

I had to go into the edit records manually section of the dns section for the affected domain. I then had to put in the following line for lynch:

_sip._tls.yourdomainhere.yours. IN SRV 100 1 443

and: _sipfederationtls._tcp.yourdomainhere.yours. IN SRV 100 1 5061

Fri, 01/17/2014 - 19:13

I had to go into the edit records manually section of the dns section for the affected domain. I then had to put in the following line for lynch:

_sip._tls.yourdomainhere.yours. IN SRV 100 1 443

and: _sipfederationtls._tcp.yourdomainhere.yours. IN SRV 100 1 5061

Fri, 01/17/2014 - 19:19

I had to go into the edit records manually section of the dns section for the affected domain. I then had to put in the following line for lynch:

_sip._tls.yourdomainhere.yours. IN SRV 100 1 443

and: _sipfederationtls._tcp.yourdomainhere.yours. IN SRV 100 1 5061

Fri, 01/17/2014 - 19:19

well that didn't work...i'm stuck now as well..:(

Fri, 01/17/2014 - 19:25

found it!

head to webmin...then servers then bind. click on the domain you want to add the records to up top click service address name is your then protocol the rest of the fields are self-explanatory..:)

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