hello all -
my MU-wordpress issue continues to haunt me. i have a "parent" website, and many "alias" websites running off of the parent.
the normal virtualmin option for a virtual-server alias works great when all the alias MX records match the parent MX records. but in my case, my parent virtual-server's MX records all point to the google-mail server. but ever since google quit giving away the free google-apps accounts, i have been forced to handle all new virtual-server mail internally.
so, here is what i have done do far:
1) create new virtual-server using with the following website options: - "Run CGI scripts as domain owner" set to NO - "PHP script exec mode" set to "run as apache user"
2) rename the following directories (i probably should delete them)
mv /home/ALIASWEBSITE.com/fcgi-bin /home/ALIASWEBSITE.com/fcgi-binRENAMED ; mv /home/ALIASWEBSITE.com/cgi-bin /home/ALIASWEBSITE.com/cgi-binRENAMED ; mv /home/ALIASWEBSITE.com/public_html /home/ALIASWEBSITE.com/public_htmlRENAMED ;
3) create symbolic links for the following directories:
ln -s /home/PARENTWEBSITE.com/fcgi-bin /home/ALIASWEBSITE.com/fcgi-bin ; ln -s /home/PARENTWEBSITE.com/cgi-bin /home/ALIASWEBSITE.com/cgi-bin ; ln -s /home/PARENTWEBSITE.com/public_html /home/ALIASWEBSITE.com/public_html ;
this little self-concocted scheme works fine if the ALIAS website runs the "php script execution mode" as the apache user under website-options and the "run cgi scripts" is set to no. (please see attached)
however, when i attempt to set the php script execution mode to "FCGld (run as virtual server owner)" or "CGI-wrapper" i get a bunch of suexec policy errors.
i am thinking there is an easy way to get around this suexec error, such as something like this:
here is my suexec error:
[2013-02-19 15:05:51]: uid: (608/ALIASWEBSITE.com) gid: (595/ALIASWEBSITE.com) cmd: php5.cgi [2013-02-19 15:05:51]: target uid/gid (608/595) mismatch with directory (543/537) or program (543/537)
id ALIASWEBSITE.com ; ## results of id command uid=608(ALIASWEBSITE.com) gid=537(PARENTWEBSITE.com) groups=537(PARENTWEBSITE.com)
do any of you wizards have any ideas for this poor newbie?