Submitted by jasongayson on Thu, 02/07/2013 - 21:36
Editing "server processes" cannot deal with duplicates of: submission
submissionThe GUI shows both of them, but trying to view their settings shows the same settings for both (even though they're different in the actual file)
Closed (fixed)
Submitted by JamieCameron on Thu, 02/07/2013 - 23:51 Comment #1
Wouldn't two
entries with the same type clash when the server processes are started?Or was one enabled and the other disabled?
Submitted by jasongayson on Fri, 02/08/2013 - 00:13 Comment #2
Yes, one was disabled and one was enabled.
The # symbol accidentally applied text size formatting above which is why you were confused
Submitted by JamieCameron on Fri, 02/08/2013 - 00:18 Comment #3
Ok, I see the bug now .. will fix in the next Webmin release (1.630).
Submitted by Issues on Fri, 02/22/2013 - 00:46 Comment #4
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.