Nginx SSL Issues

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#1 Sat, 01/05/2013 - 00:00

Nginx SSL Issues

I'm getting the following error when creating a new virtual server. I believe it's a mismatch error between Virtualmin 3.97.gpl and Nginx version 1.2.6.

.. Nginx SSL website failed! : virtualmin-nginx-ssl::feature_setup failed : Undefined subroutine &virtual_server::find_chained_certificate called at /usr/share/webmin/virtualmin-nginx-ssl/ line 152.

Edit: I just noticed the entire Virtualmin is not compatible with 1.2.6 since no new config files were created. Ah, time for a reinstall :)

UPDATE: I reinstalled with the default Nginx version 1.1.19 and I'm getting the same message again. If Eric or someone else @Virtualmin would like to take a look please let me know.

More Information: When I try to access the Nginx SSL settings in webmin I get the errors like "Error - Access denied to /virtualmin-nginx-ssl/"

Sat, 01/05/2013 - 19:24

This looks like a mismatch between the Nginx plugin versions and the core Virtualmin version.

Which version of the plugin do you have installed? You can see at System Settings -> Features and Plugins.


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