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#1 Thu, 01/03/2013 - 16:16

Bug Report

Hi, this is just a bug report:

When I go to change the compression options while using the nginx browser and I attempt to save the config without a # inputted, as seen here: http://prntscr.com/o12s3 , it returns the message "Failed to save SSL configuration : Nothing entered for field : Compression level." -- SSL isn't even enabled on this domain and i don't believe it's related.

Wed, 06/29/2016 - 06:18

I just crashed my 2 servers only after a hundred or so websites creation. lightdm can't start etc. Try create few hundreds dummy websites on a fresh server .. you will see the boot acting up.

Wed, 06/29/2016 - 09:52 (Reply to #2)

Hmm, I'm not sure I follow what you're asking there Osiris... this thread is 3 years old though. I'd suggest that if you're experiencing an issue, start up a new thread, and let us know what problem it is you're seeing there.



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