DBI connect failed : Access denied for user 'middenbrabantse-'@'localhost' to database 'mysql'

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#1 Thu, 01/03/2013 - 11:21

DBI connect failed : Access denied for user 'middenbrabantse-'@'localhost' to database 'mysql'

I cannot access MySQL DB anymore. Don't know exactly what was the cause but I tried to set the remote access for another database. Ever since I cannot access the MySQL DB anymore and within virtualmin going to Webmin MySQL database it gives me the above message. Using phpmyadmin I cannot logon with root and the password. How can I reset this root MySQL password? I have root command line access. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Wed, 01/09/2013 - 02:45
tpnsolutions's picture


The steps for resetting the MySQL root password can be found in the documentation over at mysql.com.

Here's the direct link:


*** depending on the version of MySQL you have installed, you may need to use the "Table of Contents" on the left to switch between the document version for the appropriate instructions. ***


Best Regards,
Peter Knowles | TPN Solutions
Email: pknowles@tpnsolutions.com | Skype: tpnassist
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