RFE: Command Option on Error in Filesystem Backup Module

In the Webmin Filesystem Backup module, there are the following options:

Command to run before backup
Command to run after backup

When using these options, any errors in these commands causes the following errors to be reported, and the backup does not run:

Before-backup command failed!
After-backup command failed!
Backup failed!

It would be nice to have an option next to this command to allow the backup to proceed on error. Alternatively, without this option, it might be useful to point out in the help for these commands that the command must exit without any errors, otherwise the backup will not occur.

In my case, I am simply using the before and after commands to move or rename the old backup (or the current backup). The mv command fails with "No such file or directory" if the file I am attempting to move doesn't exist. Of course, I could modify my command with more logic to prevent this error, but it would be much easier if the backup script could be configured to just ignore it and proceed.

Closed (fixed)