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I have moved server. Debian to Ubuntu. I have Faild2ban installed in both servers.
But when i look virtualmin firewall setting, i dont see fail2ban settings in my new server. See attacment
This is the way i installed it:
Why it doesnt show in firewall? Can i copy my setup from old server?
I can't access the png file you linked.
Upon installation, Virtualmin modifies the iptables configuration, to allow its ports through. Maybe the fail2ban entries got lost that way. Have you restarted fail2ban afterwards, to allow it to re-create its chains or whatever it does to enforce its bans?
I have restarted. Image
Is fail2ban running? Does it have a command to re-create its iptables chains?
(I'm using CSF/LFD myself, which has a command for that in its GUI).
Its running, but i done know how to recreate chains
Hmmm, Virtualmin shows like in that screenshot, but this:
Why those arent showing in Virtualimin?
I've never really used that module, but it seems Webmin does not display the active configuration, but the contents of the file
in that form.You can safely ignore what Webmin is showing there.
Okay, thanks. Seems bug to me :)
No, it's not a bug, but intended behavior. Webmin shows the contents of the iptables config file, which can be applied upon boot or by clicking Apply. You can also revert the saved config to the active one with the Revert button.
Aah, okay, seems fine now:
But another thing, i dont use that port to ssh. Should i change it?