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Hello, I've had some problem with one of my virtual servers recently, so through Webmin panel I've removed it's virtual host and created the new one, but after that awstats stopped collecting statistics. I've checked /var/log/virtualmin/mydomain.name_access_log and the file is empty, also there isn't proper file for December in my /home/user/awstats, it's working for the rest of the virtual servers. How to fix this situation?
I'm refreshing thread, could anyone help?
OK, I've solved the problem - somehow there weren't set any log files, so to fix it here we go:
1. Log into virtualmin panel, choose the domain you want to fix
2. Expand services node, choose Configure Website then Log Files
3. Error Log section - we'll change it to the defaults so tick File and type in the path : /var/log/virtualmin/yourdomain.com_error_log
4. Access log files section - we'll change it to the defaults as well, so format will be combined (tick the other than Default and type 'combined'), Write to "File", and into File or program type /var/log/virtualmin/yourdomain.com_access_log
5. Click Save button ;)
Additional information:
Make sure you've got valid permissions - /home/$USER/logs is 750 and owned by root, all files in this directory are 644 and owned by $USER. They must be the same as user and group in Services node -> Configure Website -> User and group