lock user in specified folder

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#1 Tue, 08/28/2012 - 16:42

lock user in specified folder


it`s possible to lock one specified FTP user to only one directory of the web site root, but not sure how to do so, can someone help ?

BTW: I will NOT lock this user in his home directory, but another web directory on the server...

thank You


Tue, 08/28/2012 - 17:04


The most common way to handle this is to setup an FTP user with a given homedir that they're allowed to upload files to... and then to lock that user into their homedir.

There's details on doing that here:

There's option options you could use though if that's not what you want... you can see all the options in Limits and Validation -> FTP Directory Restrictions.


Tue, 08/28/2012 - 17:27

Hi Eric

thank You for reply. Will check it, is it possible to allow login from only specified ip address FOR THIS USER ONLY ? which means that this user for example can only log on to FTP server from .....

I know that this can be done in the firewall, but in this case I will lock it down for all other users too.


Tue, 08/28/2012 - 17:29

just checked FTP Directory Restrictions as You mentioned in the previous post, but it`s not much to "lock" here :( because every change I do here will affect all other users on specified virtual server and not only one user...


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