Amazon Glacier Backup Option

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#1 Tue, 08/21/2012 - 03:31

Amazon Glacier Backup Option

Just announced. Would be a better alternative for backups than S3 due to its price, although backup retrieval seems to take longer.

Amazon Glacier is a storage service optimized for infrequently used data, or "cold data."

Amazon Glacier is an extremely low-cost storage service that provides secure and durable storage for data archiving and backup. In order to keep costs low, Amazon Glacier is optimized for data that is infrequently accessed and for which retrieval times of several hours are suitable. With Amazon Glacier, customers can reliably store large or small amounts of data for as little as $0.01 per gigabyte per month, a significant savings compared to on-premises solutions.

Tue, 08/21/2012 - 08:39

I was just thinking about posting a comment about this; looks very attractive and cheaper than my EC2 storage : )

Tue, 08/21/2012 - 11:02

Would this really be useful for backups that you need to restore quickly? It looks like Glacier stores files on tapes, or something as slow as tape .. which means that the restore time is 4-5 hours.

It might make sense for Virtualmin to have an option to move old backups (like older than a week) onto Glacier though, so that you can still keep them around at low cost.


Tue, 08/21/2012 - 11:18

That's an interesting thought. Currently, I handle backups by storing the files locally and also backing them up to EC2. I don't ever use EC2 to restore backups because it's expensive to transfer things on/off.

Instead, I use the local backup on my server and just keep the EC2 backups as off-site archives.

So yes, any of thees options would be useful for my particular needs, as I'd just use Glacier as the off-site archive.

Thu, 12/26/2013 - 15:07

Whilst AWS Glacier is cheaper, as per andreychek's comment it's not ideal to this scenario.

Backups and restores are slow and can take a considerable amount of time, this style of backup is better suited for a disaster recovery backup set rather than daily backups & delta's.

If you are really wanting to use glacier you can create a lifecycle rule on a S3 bucket to migrate the data after a period of time to glacier storage.

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