Does Virtualmin clobber Webmin?

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#1 Sun, 07/22/2012 - 10:31

Does Virtualmin clobber Webmin?

I see from my first glance at the documentation that once Virtualmin is installed you can access it by entering your domain name (plus :10000) in the address bar of your browser. Currently, I access Webmin by entering my IP Address (plus :10000).

If the first of these resolves to the second then doesn't that mean it's goodbye to webmin?

Sun, 07/22/2012 - 15:14


Virtualmin is a Webmin module. They're both available on the same port -- and when doing an installation using the script (which handles installing the Virtualmin framed theme for you), you'll see a link for both Virtualmin and Webmin on the top-left of the screen.

Virtualmin is presented to you first, but you can still access all the Webmin functionality by clicking the Webmin link.


Mon, 07/23/2012 - 06:41 (Reply to #2)

Thanks, Eric. Well now I've sorted myself a fully qualified domain name I'll go ahead and install.

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