Hello :)
I would like to know please how to I add a domain to my main admin account and provide a login like admindomain.com/cpanel
I would also like to create user accounts with that domain so the users can add there own domains like for example if bill had an account he would have a server bill.admindomain.com and then he can add his own domains like blahblah.com, greenwidgetsblah.com etc then if fred wanted and account his server would be fred.admindomain.com and he would add greenblahblah.com redwidgetsblah.com etc
When creating a Mysql database how do my users add there own different username and passwords. With cpanle we where able to create a database name then create a different username and password associated with that ne database name. How can this be done with virtualmin when a user logs into there account. I have the secure passwords selected when setting up virtualmin.
Thanks in advance for your help :) Housemartin UK
I would like to know please how to I add a domain to my main admin account and provide a login like admindomain.com/cpanel
By default, any domain you add will contain an alias "admin.YOUR_DOMAIN.com" which redirects you to Virtualmin.
I would also like to create user accounts with that domain so the users can add there own domains like for example if bill had an account he would have a server bill.admindomain.com and then he can add his own domains like blahblah.com, greenwidgetsblah.com etc then if fred wanted and account his server would be fred.admindomain.com and he would add greenblahblah.com redwidgetsblah.com etc
You can go into Create Virtual Server, and create Sub-Servers if you like -- you can make Sub-Servers such as "fred.admindomain.com" or "greenblahblah.com".
However, using Virtualmin GPL, only the Master Admin can create new top-level Virtual Servers.
If you want someone to be able to create new top-level Virtual Servers -- that's considered a "reseller", which is a feature only available in Virtualmin Pro.
Now, with Virtualmin GPL -- once you create a top-level Virtual Server for a user -- you can give that user the ability to create any new domains within that account.
You can edit what rights as user has in Administrative Options -> Edit Owner Limits.
When creating a Mysql database how do my users add there own different username and passwords. With cpanle we where able to create a database name then create a different username and password associated with that ne database name
You don't normally need to do anything there... when you create a new domain, you get a database that you can access using the username and password of the Virtual Server owner.
If you want a new database user, you can go into Edit Users, and create a new user there with rights to one or more of the databases in that account.
Thank you kindly Eric I will give that a go :)
Housemartin. UK