I'm a new Virtualmin user and am attempting to set up the GPL version so that it can create a hosting environment for my clients, and one of the things I'm currently trying to do is customize the default templates that are applied when a new virtual server is created.
Right now, I'm working on customizing the DNS records that are set up when a new virtual server is created. I noticed that a few records, like localhost.domain, m.domain, webmail.domain, etc. are created by default.
I'm wondering if I can change the names of these default records or even remove them entirely so I can customize the DNS records created when a new virtual server is set up. For example, I don't need the localhost.domain or m.domain records.
I know some of the records, like the localhost.domain record, can be removed by unchecking the appropriate check box in the server template settings screen, but others, like webmail.domain, admin.domain, etc. cannot be removed or renamed.
Where are these default records stored on the system, and how can they be modified?
I looked in the "Default Settings" server template (as I had made a new template for my customizations) but the field for DNS records is blank, which leads me to believe that Virtualmin is automatically generating these records or copying them from some other source.
Also, is there a way I can set Dovecot and Postfix to bind to separate IP addresses (as I have several IPs assigned to one machine), and then create two separate default DNS records, smtp.domain and pop.domain, that point to these separate IPs?
Thanks in advance for any assistance provided.
I know some of the records, like the localhost.domain record, can be removed by unchecking the appropriate check box in the server template settings screen, but others, like webmail.domain, admin.domain, etc. cannot be removed or renamed.
Where are these default records stored on the system, and how can they be modified?
While a lot of the records can be changed, a few can't for varying reasons.
For example, special redirects are setup in the Apache config for webmail and admin.
It's not possible to prevent the setup of those two DNS records.
You can change where webmail and admin redirect to though -- that can be done in the 'Apache website' section of the Server Templates.
Also, is there a way I can set Dovecot and Postfix to bind to separate IP addresses (as I have several IPs assigned to one machine), and then create two separate default DNS records, smtp.domain and pop.domain, that point to these separate IPs?
Virtualmin doesn't support setting up Dovecot and Postfix on separate IP addresses.
That can be configured manually, though in most cases folks use the default of having them bind to "".
Note that if you do it manually, since Virtualmin doesn't support that configuration, Virtualmin would only know about the primary instance, not any of the alternate configs you'd need to create for having them bind to alternate IP's... so in that regard, and due to the complexity involved, we'd certainly recommend against such a setup :-)
If you do wish to create custom DNS records, you can do that in the "BIND DNS Domain" Server Template. You can add your custom record to the "BIND DNS records for new domains" field.