hello all -
when i was pointing a domain name to my server without yet going into virtualmin and creating a virtual server, the incorrect domain was coming up.
in other words, say my initial domain was:
then i created these virtual servers:
newbie-guy-one.com newbie-guy-two.com
now, suppose i buy the domain "newbie-guy-THREE.com" but have not yet created the virtual server for it. when i go to newbig-guy-three.com in a browser, newbie-guy-ONE shows up!
i want newbie-guy.com to show up instead, at least until i actually create the virtual-server.
the only way i could think to solve this was to go in and manually edit my httpd.conf file, and make absolutely sure that newbie-guy.com is the very first
that worked, but i never feel comfortable editing httpd.conf so long as the world has such wondeful tools like virtualmin!
any other ideas?
That's very simple to understand.
To understand the concept: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_hosting#Name-based
What is happening is newbie-guy-ONE.com is set to be configured as default host and can be accessed via ip.
So what is happening is:
newbie-guy.com + ip > newbie-guy.com newbie-guy-TWO.com + ip > newbie-guy-TWO.com newbie-guy-ONE.com + ip > newbie-guy-ONE.com unknown domain (no virtual server created) + ip > newbie-guy-ONE.com
To fix it, goto newbie-guy.com's settings in virtual min,
then goto Server Configuration > Change IP Address and make it so.
You may also need to remove the private address for newbie-guy-ONE.com.
Do let me know if it does not work, then I'll guide you thru the httpd.conf.