Backup problem: public_html inside ${HOME}/domains

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#1 Thu, 06/07/2012 - 08:04

Backup problem: public_html inside ${HOME}/domains

if DocomentRoot is set inside domains folder like this:

DocumentRoot ${HOME}/domains/${DOM}/public_html

it is not included in backup becourse "./domains" is hardcoded to put in exclude file

Mon, 06/11/2012 - 05:08

Hi Alex

You are right that it is excluded from backups. However, the default option during backup configuration is for the checkbox under 'Servers to save' labelled 'Include sub-servers of those selected' to be checked - this would also include the ${HOME}/domains/${DOM}/public_html folder in the backup for you if you are choosing to backup the server's home directory.

You haven't actually asked a question in your post, so if I haven't provided what you wanted to know, feel free to reply - but please include an actual question.

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