make a subdomain link to a directory

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#1 Wed, 01/25/2012 - 15:40

make a subdomain link to a directory


i have tried to find the solution but it doesn't seem so easy ..

i have in the directory "public_html" and i want to make which links to the directory "public_html/demo"

how can i do that in Virtualmin's configuration ?


Sat, 01/28/2012 - 09:04

oh it seems it has an obvious solution or it is really complicated ? nobody can help me ?

thanks in advance

Sat, 01/28/2012 - 14:57

There isn't a recommended way of doing that... of you're interested in having multiple domain names, the would typically go into a separate directory structure.


Sun, 01/29/2012 - 03:06

I understand, yes but i was used to, sometimes, making a subdomain which only linked to a specific directory

for example on my site, with my old domain admin, i had only added what they call a Web Path in the Apache configuration to say that : linked to /home/xxx/public_html/flickr

i will probably do it by code but i wanted to know if there was an option in Virtualmin or Apache config to do that

Mon, 01/30/2012 - 10:05

We discourage the use of this particular feature, as it seems to just cause confusion and headaches for folks using it -- but for those who really really really want it, there is indeed an option in System Settings -> Virtualmin Config -> Advanced Options named "Allow creation of sub-domains".

If you enable that, it should do what you're after.

But you'd be amazed on how confused folks get when that they see that and "Sub-Servers" in the "Create Virtual Server" options :-)

But what you'd want in your case is to create a sub-domain.


Tue, 01/31/2012 - 02:25 (Reply to #5)

Hello Eric,

thanks for the explanation. I think i won't use this feature. It's better not to use features you don't recommend .. Virtualmin is really easy to use and powerful, i don't want to get bad habits using strange features :)


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