I would like to consider using other LDAP/directory servers on a number of networks .. I am particularly looking at (considering) the following:
OpenDS (www.opends.org) Dir-389 (http://directory.fedoraproject.org/) FreeIPA (http://freeipa.org/) Zivios (http://http://www.zivios.org/)
The first two can be considered to be drop-in replacements for openldap, albeit with their own GUI based admin interfaces. The later two are more like seeking to replicate some of the functionality of virtualmin/webmin/usermin but more targeted at internal enterprise deployments (as against hosted solutions.
I need to deploy one of them to enable administration for less tech savvy admins. I have searched the threads in the forum, and cannot see any mention of any of them having webmin modules.
My questions: -- Are there any webmin/virtualmin modules for any of these? -- Would integrating to any of these systems be seen as desirable to the webmin/virtualmin development teams? -- If I wanted to consider working on this myself, what should I be focusing most at ?
Thanks ..