Recently I destroyed then recreated my Ubuntu 10.04 instance on an OpenVZ system. System resources were good, 1.5G RAM, 40G disk. I then set the hostname to be my domain name, using "hostname x.y" as root. So then I downloaded install.sh and ran the script. Everything looked good at first but I now have mail issues. I've looked into this and it seems that OpenVZ has some sort of overriding default domain name that VM GPL picked up on. This is preventing mail delivery when I am root. Mailman lists work and IMAP mail works outbound.
I've asked the vps provider to set the hostname so it will only reflect the correct domain name and they've done so. I've made some progress in changing various internal settings to reflect the correct domain name but don't know where to look so as to be confident they are all changed.
This is not a production system and in principle I can reinstall the instance, but of course it's work.
Any opinion on either where to look for all references to the mistaken domain name or the advisability of starting over?
Isn't the hostname supposed to be set as a simple name (srv, etc) and you would set the FQDN in your hosts file? Making a line like: srv.mydomain.com srv
Your hostname should actually be an FQDN in the format "host.domain.tld" -- and that can be set in Webmin -> Networking -> Hostname and DNS.
Once you do that, go into Virtualmin -> System Settings -> Re-Check Config, and see if it detects any problems.
very nice, did that, got the t-shirt, config checks fine. Thanks very much.