I know this sounds like a silly question but everytime I try to do this I end up "just fiddling with things" until it works...
Here's the scenario... Cloudmin managing IPs and virtual machines. An existing site on an existing virtual machine is getting a new SSL cert so it needs an IP address - the virtual machine is an OpenVZ container running CentOS 5 and Virtualmin.
What I would like... From within the correct website inside Virtualmin I enable SSL and select the IP I want to assign (IPs are obtained from Cloudmin since it knows what IPs are available to use on this server). On save the IP is assigned to the domain (dns, web, etc are updated), the IP is assigned to the OpenVZ container in Cloudmin, the IP is added to the containers OpenVZ conf file with a message stating that a reboot of the container is necessary to activate the new IP address (and maybe a note about making sure the firewall is setup for the new IP).
That's it, assuming the firewall is correct, I can secure and install a new cert - done. A one-click process.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Sat, 09/24/2011 - 12:23 Comment #1
The most supported way to add an IP in Cloudmin / Virtualmin is as follows :
Then in Virtualmin on the VM :
This is even easier if you are creating a completely new domain with SSL enabled, as it can be done in Cloudmin at Virtualmin Settings -> Virtualmin Domains.
Submitted by isdahlc on Sat, 09/24/2011 - 13:12 Pro Licensee Comment #2
Ok, thanks!
How come in Host Systems -> IP Addresses some show the server name and some only say "In Use"?
-- Craig
Submitted by JamieCameron on Sat, 09/24/2011 - 13:47 Comment #3
The "In use" status means that Cloudmin could ping the IP, but it isn't owned by a system Cloudmin manages (as far as it knows).