I am puzzled by the following in the documentation on the Git Repositories feature:
[quote]When creating or editing a user, the Other user permissions section of the Edit Mailbox page will have a field named Git login enabled. Just select Yes, and in the Read/write access to repositories field select one or more repos to grant full access to. As soon as the user is saved or created his login and password will be able to checkin to and checkout from the selected repositories.[/quote]
The "Read/write access to repositories field" appears to relate only to subversion repos. The git repos created in a domain do not appear in that field.
Is this just referring to http access via gitweb? If so, would that not be read only?
Is there a way to enable read/write access to a mailbox user, other than to give the individual ssh access to the server?
Further to my last message, I find that after I create an empty Git repository called "Test" on "example.com", point a browser at "example.com/git/Test.git" , and login in with the credentials of a user authorized to access the repository, the server says "Forbidden You don't have permission to access /git/Test.git/ on this server."
If I point the browser at ""example.com/git/" I get access to a page with a link to Test.git. Clicking the link takes me to a page with this url: "http://exmple.com/git/gitweb.cgi?p=Test.git;a=summary"
Is this the expected behaviour of the Git Repositories feature?
Hi otis
I know this is over two years old post but. Did you get anywhere with the permissions?
I have not tried to use the http interface to get write access to repos. I use ssh for that. The http interface gives read access if you start by pointing your browser at yourdomain.com/git - which gives a list of repo links - rather than directly at yourdomain.com/git/YourRepo.git.