I have a fresh installation of Debian Squeeze on a dedicated AMD x64 box and installed the latested Virtualmin GPL version. I want to forward email for the default user of the virtual server I created to my own email. So I go to "Edit Mail and FTP Users"
Click on the username (there is only one, the default created by Virtualmin)
"Mail forwarding settings"
"Forward to other addresses" Check "Yes, forward to addresses"
enter my email address in the textarea below
result is:
Error - Perl execution failed
Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, subscript -1 at /usr/share/webmin/postfix/postfix-lib.pl line 476.
//////////////////////////////////// Unchecking the option "Deliver to this user normally" > "Yes, deliver to mailbox" makes no difference.
Hmm, I don't seem to be able to reproduce that particular problem. That may mean something is awry with Webmin there.
We've occasionally seen that if a Webmin process somehow manages to get "stuck".
To fix that, try this... log into your server as root over SSH, and stop Webmin using:
/etc/init.d/webmin stop
Then, look for any other Webmin processes that are still running:
ps auxw | grep miniserv | grep webmin
Then kill off any you find with the "kill" command. After that, start Webmin back up:
/etc/init.d/webmin start
After you do those steps, are you then able to setup forwarding for your account?
Hi Eric Thanks for you reply. I've just did the thing you suggested. Then repeated the failing action.
Still getting "Error - Perl execution failed Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, subscript -1 at /usr/share/webmin/postfix/postfix-lib.pl line 476."
Note that the specific server is migrated from Plesk10. Is there any relevant debug info I can provide or look into? I could create a dummy site in Plesk10, create a backup of that, and provide it, for testing purposes...
[edit] - even a new virtual server I created, without importing it from plesk, has the same failure.