Hello Virtualmin users
The post-installation wizard of virtualmin tells me, that my primary name server cannot be resolved from the internet [host foo-host.foo-domain.foo not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)].
With the help of this forum, i managed, that the fqdn foo-host.foo-domain.foo (linux server of a non-public local network) is resolvable in the local network [nat-router as name server (dnsmasq)] on the command line of foo-host itself.
What I understand is, that of course foo-host.foo-domain.foo couldn't be resolved from the internet, because it doesn't exist in the internet (non-public local network). But what I don't understand is if I have to specify a DynDNS name server or my nat-router as name server. Or if I can choose the option 'skip check for resolvability'
What I have in mind: I am going to create some ip-based [eth0:x] virtual-apache-hosts for a school. Hosting non-public websites that must be reachable from the intranet and the internet via openvpn. I had the idea that i can use vitualmin/webmin to host these websites and that I can use fqdn as foo1-website.foo-domain.foo [vhost 1] foo2-website.foo-domain.foo [vhost 2] ...
Additional info (no idea if necessary): The domain foo-domain.foo ist registered by DynDNS Custom and activ. So I use www.foo-domain.foo to find my nat-routers wan ip and port xxxxxx to find my openvpn server [nat-router]. Then I use foo-host.foo-domain.foo:10000 to find the login site of webmin/virtualmin. I can also use foo-host.foo-domain.foo from the local network without openvpn. foo-host.foo-domain.foo is managed by dnsmasq [nat-router].
Any hint will very appreciated!!
kind regards, go4vmin