I'm not for sure how ya'll feel about custom scripts with the GPL version of Virtualmin. But, I'm creating my own to work with a 3rd party script I have. I've got everything working except for trying to figure out how to utilize cookies. I know how to do this in php/curl since you can simply define a cookie file but I have no clue how to go about it in Perl.
In the docs it says to checkout the sugarcrm.pl file but of course I don't have access to that with the GPL version.
Thus, I was wondering if the devs would be willing to guide me in the right direction?
I figure I have to some how capture and create the cookies from returnheaders and then post them back with the next call of post_http_connection but I'm not quite sure how to do that in Perl/virtualmin.
Thanks! Alan
NM - figured it out :-)
I'm actually looking for how to do this, how did you manage it? I am working on the GPL version as well, so I don't have access to the sugarcrm.pl file.
Does anyone know how to pass along the cookies?
EDIT: I see in the scripts-lib.pl file that there are additional parameters &moreheaders, &returnheaders, and &returnheaders-array. I've done some experiments with them, but the returnheaders variables always come up empty. What is the proper usage of these?