Email Everyone?

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#1 Mon, 06/13/2011 - 09:25

Email Everyone?

I've gone through the virtualmin forums and through my settings on virtualmin a few times here and I've been hard pressed to find a convenient and easy way to email all the users on my server.

What I'm trying to do is send an email to inform people of some pending upgrades and the downtime that will ensue with that. I want everyone (mailbox users and domain owners) on my server to receive the e-mail.


My apologies if this is covered elsewhere.

Mon, 06/13/2011 - 09:30


The closest thing you can do to that would be to use Virtualmin's ability to email all the Virtual Server owners... who could then be responsible for telling all their users.

To email all the Virtual Server owners, go into Email Messages -> Email Server Owners, and you can use the screen there to customize your message and who exactly would be notified.


Tue, 06/14/2011 - 23:17


Is this feature available in the GPL version of Virtualmin or am I just missing it?


Tue, 06/14/2011 - 23:33


If you don't see an "Email Server Owners" option within the "Email Messages" section of Virtualmin, than it may indeed be a Pro-only feature.

It's possible you'd be able to do that using the command line tools. To test that, try running "virtualmin notify-domains" from the command line. If that works -- that means you could send an email to the Virtual Server owners using that option.


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