These forums are locked and archived, but all topics have been migrated to the new forum. You can search for this topic on the new forum: Search for Virtualmin virtual-server module 3.86 and virtual-server-theme 8.1 on the new forum.
Howdy all,
I've just rolled out Virtualmin virtual-server module 3.86 and virtual-server-theme 8.1. This is predominantly a bugfix release, and includes a minor OS support change for Scientific Linux 6 (this doesn't mean SL6 is a supported OS yet, it just means we've made the changes to Virtualmin needed to be able to install on SL6; installer support will follow in a day or so).
Changes since 3.86:
The Virtualmin Framed Theme virtual-server-theme 8.1 is a bugfix release with no major changes.
As always, if you run into any problems, let us know in the ticket tracker (Pro users, and bugs) or the forums (GPL users with non-bug issues).