���� Strange Display Problem in Virtualmin websites

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#1 Sat, 05/28/2011 - 14:44

���� Strange Display Problem in Virtualmin websites

I have a website hosted on my server : http://vansthaliresorts.in/home.html The website have strange special characters, but when i host the same website using another panel Like plesk and Cpanel, there is no problem regarding special character displaying in my webpage, even there are some pages which have different size in virtualmin and cpanel. If you refer to the link http://vansthaliresorts.in/rooms.html the size of my webpage is different as it is shown in CPANEL hosting. Special charter showing are ���(boxes) and ������ question mark diamond. Idon't know what is the problem behind this.

I hope my issue will be taken in account.

EDITED : I think i found the answer in the forums :--> "to remove AddDefaultCharset option from httpd.conf" but I want to do it for a single virtual server it should not effect globally on every websites

Please help me with that for removing or editing AddDefaultCharset for single virtual server.

Sat, 05/28/2011 - 17:24

How did you set up the Apache configuration for your Virtualmin? I just checked mine, and there is no AddDefaultCharset option active there. It exists in /etc/apache2/conf.d/charset but is commented out.

To answer your question: Adding that directive directly to the virtual server in question, with the correct charset, should override any default defined on Apache-wide level.

Sun, 05/29/2011 - 13:25

I didn't manually setup apache, I just installed fresh centos5.6 and updates and after that installed virtualmin thats all, but as I am new to virtual min so I need a little more detailed help about how to set the directive and please letme know how I can remove the special charter which is dispalying in my above websites step by step.


Thu, 11/03/2011 - 18:40

Great thing in virtualmin is that there is always easy to find solution to any problem.

Thank you guys.

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