Virtualmin licence key

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#1 Mon, 05/23/2011 - 02:46

Virtualmin licence key

We used the install script for Virtualmin Pro and it seemed to go OK.

We set up one virtual server for a user which worked OK at first but now the user is locked out.

The VirtualMin licence details are showing a missing key - we have the key - how can I add it?


04/13/2011 4492 Completed 1 $139.00

Virtualmin serial number 5557996 Virtualmin license key
Licensed domains Unlimited Domains left Unlimited

Mon, 05/23/2011 - 08:36


Even if the license were to expire, Virtualmin should continue to work. It doesn't lock users out.

So, you may want to review your /etc/virtualmin-license file to verify that the serial and key are correct -- but if one of your users is locked out, the issue is likely something else :-)


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