It seems that none of my incoming emails are passing through SpamAssassin and possibly ClamAV. I've been checking the header information and there is no indication of SA header change. (Plus I'm getting a ton of spam emails I was not getting before.)
New server built 7 days ago Operating system SuSE Linux 11.4 Webmin version 1.550 + Virtualmin version 3.85.gpl
from checking configuration Mail server Postfix is installed and configured. SpamAssassin and Procmail are installed and configured for use. ClamAV is installed and assumed to be running. - (It is running) I have Put report in X-Spam-Status: header instead of body? set to yes. But I am not seeing any of the usual information that I was getting on my old server.
Example from old email X-Spam-Status: No, score=-101.5 required=3.0 tests=AWL,BAYES_05,
I have tried changing the Virtualmin setting from "spamassassin (Standalone program)" to "spamc (Client for SpamAssassin filter server spamd)" but the same results. And I do have "Check email for spam and viruses?" in Users email settings set to Yes. Looking at the log files Postgray seems to be working perfectly.
Can any one help me solve this last issue?
Just discovered this message in my procmail log.
Time:1306026405 User:nigel.twin-peaks-video Size:3032 Dest:/var/mail/nigel.twin-peaks-video Mode:None
Insecure dependency in exec while running with -T switch at /etc/webmin/virtual-server/ line 18.
procmail: Program failure (255) of "/etc/webmin/virtual-server/"
So it looks like it's being bounced before checking takes place.
Well, remember that Suse isn't one of the supported distros for Virtualmin, so there can be a lot of manual effort in getting things to work :-)
You can see a list of supported distros here:
We generally recommend using one of those, along with the script, when possible.
However, that's not always possible :-)
It sounds like you're seeing some sort of permissions issue in regards to procmail. Normally, the Virtualmin installer would setup procmail-wrapper for you to handle that, but there's no procmail-wrapper compiled for Suse.
One thing we can take a look at -- what does "ls -l /usr/bin/procmail" show?
ls -l /usr/bin/procmail
-rwsr-sr-x 1 root root 89504 Feb 18 21:44 /usr/bin/procmail
I only realized that Suse was not a favored version of Linux until after I had everything installed and pretty much running.
Though providing you stay out of yast webmin works really well (and so does virtualmin for 99% of the time :) )!!
Your options are to compile procmail-wrapper and install it suid, or to disable the Virtualmin spam/AV processing features (and everything else Virtualmin does with mail, since it all relies on procmail) and setup your own spam/AV stuff running as a content_filter or milter.
I'd probably recommend you go with procmail-wrapper. Grab the source RPM here: (for some reason I'm getting an auth popup in Chrome, but it doesn't actually require authentication, so just hit OK, and it'll download).
You'll then need to install it, check it to be sure it doesn't need changes for SUSE (it probably won't, as it's just one file and has no dependencies beyond a compiler), rebuild it, and install it. Once installed, configure Postfix to use procmail-wrapper for mail delivery.
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