webmail redirect doen't work!

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#1 Mon, 05/02/2011 - 15:17

webmail redirect doen't work!

Hi, i've two virtual host: 1) www.mydomain.it 2) 92.13.xx.xx

In the second i've installed phpmyadmin and roundcube.

In the "URL for webmail redirect" of Apache settings there is: http://92.13.xx.xx/webmail but if i try to access to webmail.mydomain.it it gives HTTP 404.

http://92.13.xx.xx/webmail works fine.

Ping to webmail.mydomain.it gives 92.13.xx.xx.

Any Ideas?

Mon, 05/02/2011 - 16:11

Hi, httpd.conf doen't change! I manually put:

RewriteRule ^(.*) http://93.13.xx.xx/webmail/ [R]

in the VirtualHost in the httpd.conf.


I also run this: virtualmin modify-web --all-domains --no-webmail virtualmin modify-web --all-domains --webmail

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