Top-level server vs. Sub-server

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#1 Wed, 04/27/2011 - 08:33

Top-level server vs. Sub-server

When I have many domains, each domain make a process which uses ram. I wonder if I add new domains under Sub-server, the apache user for all the sub-server domains are the single one defined as top-level server? I mean reducing the number of tasks causing high memory usage.

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 09:35

It's the use of FCGID (which is the default) that generates those processes you're seeing... they're designed to cache your websites, so that access to them is faster.

However, if you'd like to experiment with not using them, you could try changing your Virtual Servers to use CGI instead of FCGID.

To do that, go into Server Configuration -> Website Options, and change the PHP Execution mode to "CGI".


Wed, 04/27/2011 - 10:00

Thanks for your informative reply Eric. Your support is excellent. What is the difference of Top-level server and Sub-server. Any effect on the server mechanism? or it is just for categorizing the domain?

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 10:06

It's primarily for categorizing... from Apache's standpoint, they're all the same thing.

From Virtualmin's standpoint, it's a way of setting up a hierarchy, and allowing a Virtual Server owner to make updates to domains that they own.


Wed, 04/27/2011 - 23:19

they use same folder owner. so if you dont want 2 domain reach other's files somehow, just dont put them in same virtual server. ( right? ^_^ )

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