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I thought I had all my virtual domains setup to automatically delete spam after 5 days... apparently not. Is there a global command I can run to make sure all account are set up that way?
About a month ago, my under powered server had crossed a performance threshold and I was searching for ways to keep the load and swap under control. I found a thread on this forum that gave a global command to switch off spam filtering for each virtual domain, which I did. Shortly after I upgraded the server and then ran the command globally to switch spam filtering back on. I believe that is when I lost the setting for each account to delete spam after five days.
I can't seem to find the post that had the command, but this is why I've been asking if there's a global command that includes the 5 day delete option.
Edit: Here it is: virtualmin disable-feature --spam --virus --all-domains
That setting can be enabled for new Virtual Servers in System Settings -> Server Templates -> Default -> Spam Filtering.
For existing Virtual Servers, the setting can be tweaked by going into Server Configuration -> Spam and Virus Delivery.
The command that runs once a day to handle all that is "/etc/webmin/virtual-server/" -- that should be part of root's crontab.
Ok, but no command line I can run?
I have a couple hundred virtual domains I would need to check one by one.
Here's what happened...
About a month ago, my under powered server had crossed a performance threshold and I was searching for ways to keep the load and swap under control. I found a thread on this forum that gave a global command to switch off spam filtering for each virtual domain, which I did. Shortly after I upgraded the server and then ran the command globally to switch spam filtering back on. I believe that is when I lost the setting for each account to delete spam after five days.
I can't seem to find the post that had the command, but this is why I've been asking if there's a global command that includes the 5 day delete option.
Edit: Here it is: virtualmin disable-feature --spam --virus --all-domains
Ok, got it - fast and easy!
virtualmin modify-spam --all-domains --spamclear-days 5