Auto reply doesn't work...

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#1 Sun, 03/27/2011 - 15:39

Auto reply doesn't work...

Hi there,

I run under Virtualmin 3.83 GPL on Debian 6.

Everything is ok, but the autoreply function is partially out of order. I explain:

I have 10 emails account in the same domain. The first (contact@domain.tld) is fully functionnal. Autoreply works properly. But others don't work. Nothing happens about autoreply. I tried to deleted account with this problem and recreate it. Nothing...

Is anybody can help me...

Another question: Is it possible to translate the message "Autoreply to:" adding to the automatic reply send by Virtualmin...? I would like to change by "REPONSE AUTOMATIQUE" (in French) ?

Thx a lot for your help.

Have good evening

Fri, 04/01/2011 - 04:29

A little UP !

No one has an answers about my problem?...

Have a good day.

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