Uploading archive to FTP server 111.222.333.111 .. .. upload failed! Failed to read reply to QUIT

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#1 Thu, 02/10/2011 - 16:42

Uploading archive to FTP server 111.222.333.111 .. .. upload failed! Failed to read reply to QUIT

HI guys,

need your help again. When I try to backup the virtual servers over ftp I always get this error:

Uploading archive to FTP server 111.222.333.111 .. upload failed! Failed to read reply to QUIT

Does somebody know what the problem is?

Fri, 02/11/2011 - 06:12

It might help to check the FTP logs on the receiving server, to get a better idea what is going wrong. Or try to interact with that FTP server "manually", as in using an FTP client to do so.

Fri, 02/11/2011 - 09:55 (Reply to #2)

Hi Locutus,

thanks for your reply.

FTP-Server log looks good:

Jan 16 08:28:04 server proftpd[4300] localhost (rs1.xx-xxxxxxx-x.net[::ffff:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx]): USER blabla: Login successful. Jan 16 08:31:23 server proftpd[4300] localhost (rs1.xx-xxxxxxx-x.net[::ffff:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx]): FTP session closed.

With Filezilla/Winscp no problem.

I don't understand what this part means: Failed to read reply to QUIT

It failed to read the reply to quit?

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