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Im trying to send out my newsletter. When I use a program like interspire or phplist the email always goes to spam. When I resend signup email from Administration options - it gets into the inbox. I tried using mailman lists but when I try to send to the email assigned with the list (from my gmail) I get:
error... We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 #5.1.0 Address rejected (state 14).
How can I fix this ? tya
When I use a program like interspire or phplist the email always goes to spam.
The key here would be to look at the email headers, and use those to determine why it's being marked as spam. You may want to look at the X-Spam-Status in particular, which tells you what spam rules were triggered by the email.
We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 #5.1.0 Address rejected (state 14).
For an error like that, you'd need to take a look at the email logs on your server to see what errors are being generated. Take a look at either /var/log/mail.log or /var/log/maillog.
It this its this in the header that triggers spam filters: "X-YahooFilteredBulk: XX.XX.XX (my IP) " so how yahoo knows its a bulk ? there are only 2 contacts in that list. When I send a test message with phplist it goes to inbox but when I process the que it gets to spam. Im trying now to send to the mail lists a created in virtualmin but I cant send to the email asigned with the list as I said in my previous post. Do you think if I send them through the mailing list of mailman I will get different result ?
You could also check whether your ip address it is blacklisted (for example with mxtoolbox)
yes - its blacklisted. Can I make emails appear they are from a different IP thats not on my server ? and how? Ive read some topics here on it but Im not sure which ones to use.
Well, you may want to review the specific reasons that it's blacklisted, and correct the problem -- it's often a fixable issue.
For example, a common cause could be a customer's machine being infected by spyware, and sending out spam via your server. So the key would be to use the information provided by the blacklisting service to determine who or what is responsible for being listed on one of those lists.
If the issue is the netblock you're part of (which can occur when on a dynamic IP), some ISP's will allow you to relay your email through their mail server
If you have a server you can use to relay your email, you can set that up by going into Webmin -> Servers -> Postfix -> General Options, and setting "Send outgoing mail via host".
Again though, that host would need to be configured to allow you to relay mail through them.
What you are trying to do is pretty much what all spammers try (to bypass blacklists lists etc). But as soon as spamers find a new way, antispam tools catchup :-) I don't think you want to change your configuration, burn your ip addresses and domains every week, right?
the best is probably to get a clean ip address (and then also ensure that it stays clean by following all the rules.).
If you can not change your ip address, then you have to manually write an email to each blacklist to remove your ip address. This works, just needs one or two weeks.